Tic Toc!! The clock is ticking. Even though the year is already rolling, I believe I am still permitted to say a happy new year to my people and while I am at it, I will like to ask what you have decided to do this year.
Do you have resolutions or goals? Or are you just going to live out the year as it comes. Taking it one day at a time. Allowing circumstances to shape your year and invariably your life.
Some might say they wrote goals and resolutions in years past but they either didn't meet their targets or they totally forgot about the goals in the hustle and bustle of the year. So, they wonder “what’s the point anyway?”
I would say the point is taking charge, proactively planning and having a yardstick to measure achievements by quarterly, at the end of the year or whenever you choose during the year. After all, you wouldn't have known that you did not achieve what you set out to if you did not set out at all or if you did not have any goals/ resolutions at the beginning of the particular year you thought you didn’t achieve your goals. There would not have being a real measure of achievement.
Imagine that footballers play matches without a goal post. They'll keep running around aimlessly and at the end of 90 minutes, they would have succeeded in exercising their bodies. They would not be able to measure their performance. There would not be a measure of achievement.
I would say "write the vision and make it plain on tablets that they may run who reads it" - Habakkuk2:2. Have something to prove. Do not let the year just roll by. Install a goal post, be able to say at the end of the year that I achieved 1,2 and I need to work on 5,6. This way, we can continually strive to be better people, strive to meet the deadlines we missed.
This might be coming late but I don't think it’s too late. It should serve as a reminder for someone who has being procrastinating. Or even for someone who had not decided to "Write the vision"
What would you say is the most important of your goals for this year?
Care to share?