How do I satisfy them?
How on earth do you satisfy humans and our wants? Can humans ever be satisfied?
Three years ago, the face of public transportation was "Molues" (Humongous buses that mostly tilts at an angle of about 45 degrees to the side), "Danfos" (Smaller buses that sometimes have their trunks converted to chairs for people to sit in - in order to increase revenue), "yellow taxis" (Some shaky like jelly fishes and on the high end monetarily). A commutter was stuck with either of these. Today, gradually, the face of public transportation is changing thanks to the BRT, eko taxis and corporate cabs. I was pleasantly surprised a few days ago to find out that the newly procured BRT buses have functioning air conditioning units which means you do not have to sweat (considering the temperate whether). However, to my utter amazement, I heard a woman complain about the fare which by the way is lower tahn the Danfo's. She said she does not need the ac and she would rather board the old "Molues" as they were better, I chalked it up to her just ranting. However, I thought I'd vent about it when I saw the same woman again the next day making the same complaint even though she opted to board the fully - ac bus. It got me wondering about why humans are never satisfied. It also reminded me of a story.
Once upon a time in a land not so far away, there were men, women and children who were under the oppressive and heavy hand of a wicked task master. The yoke / burden was near impossible to bear so, these humans called unto a power higher than the task master to deliver them and releive them of the burden.
So, in came the higher power that delivered them with a lot of pomp and fanfair from their task master on the condition that they will go with him and work with him but the tasks he assigned them were light. These humans were grateful for a short period for the deliverance. However after a very short time, they began to complain once again, they even said the new master should have left them in the custody of their wicked, high handed task master. The new master was of course very shocked at this reaction. They did not enjoy their new found freedom because of the magnitude and frquecy of their complaints.
Lesson learnt:
Seek to do what is right and even though humans complain, realise that:
- Humans have an innate tendency to complain
- Human needs and beings are insatiable. Everyone cannot be satisfied all the time
- Change is very threatening for humans. We are comfortable and like to remain with the status quo
- Whenever you are about to complaint, think very deply about why you are about to complain and see if it really is a valid reason to complain
To complain means to "grumble about" to whine or find fault. The opposite is to applaud, approve, be content, be happy, commend, praise, recommend, sanction
Our desires, expectations, needs or demands are ever changing so satisfaction would also be dynamic. What satisfies today might not do so tomorrow.
Perhaps we havent changed much since the days of moses.
"godliness with contentment is great gain"
We need to learn to be more appreciative.
Nice post ... just keep writing ...