Gist ("Transport Plava")

"See me, see trouble oh" I left my new place of work yesterday at 6:00 pm, strolled to the bus stop and boarded a bus going towards my house. We were just a few meters away from the bus stop when the driver said we should pay our transport fares. I really wasn't interested in paying at the time but I was prevailed upon by some other passengers. As though the bus was waiting for me to hand over my fare, as soon as I did, the bus just suddenly stopped. In their usual manner, the bus driver jumped underneath the bus and fiddled with some things. He came back into the bus and told us the bus was OK.

We then resumed the journey, As we were about to ascend the "third mainland bridge",(for people that know Lagos, Nigeria), the bus stopped again. The driver repeated the process of flying under the bus and giving us further assurance. So, we proceeded...Soon, I noticed that I was feeling extremely hot and found out it was the heat from the Bus Engine vs. the radiator. Of course all this occured while we were moving in traffic, so the heat was tending towards being unbearable.

As though all that wasn't enough, A van with a siren trying to make its way ahead in the traffic suddenly started making one .... of a noise just behind the bus. I thought I was going to explode.

Believe it or not, to crown that all up, as we were descending the bridge, the bus broke down again at a deserted side of town but luckily, we found a good Samaritan bus driver that helped us. We eventually got to our destination. Trust me, I took down the plate number of the bus and promised never to enter it again I advice you not to enter it either. The bus' plate number is ......... He begged me so I wont disclose it. If you want to get it, post a comment....

I got down and then had to trek to my house all thanks to the curfew on bikes. Like I said in my last post, I really am getting a lot of exercise.


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